Pandemic Businesses
You've heard about "blizzard babies," right? As the legend goes, there is an uptick in births about nine months after major blizzards, hurricanes, or even extended power outages. The theory is that these major events take people out of their normal routines and unexpected things happen, like babies.
Unlike blizzard babies, I don't expect to see an uptick in new businesses starting during the pandemic. In fact, many of my friends told me I was possibly crazy for starting a new business in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and economic downturn. As John F. Kennedy once pointed out, the Chinese word "crisis" is composed of two characters -- one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity. As organizations of all sizes adapt to new economic realities, they are looking for ways to cut cost, protect their employees, and continue to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Mile High Cyber is focused on helping our clients do cybersecurity cheaper, faster, and better so that they can not only survive but thrive during the COVID-19 outbreak.
I never imagined that the first item of corporate swag I would order would be a box of face masks. Pandemic businesses are full of surprises.
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